Eating out of my Hand

Many today are too busy to eat from the Shepherd’s Hand

They’re too busy working, too slow to understand

But if you’d take the time to hear His voice

You just might rejoice

Because the sound you hear

As you bow down your ear

Is the call of the Master

To dine and draw near.


Psalm 95:7

For He is our God,
And we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of His hand.

Today, if you will hear His voice.

5 Things I Learned By Sending My Son on a Mission Trip

5 Things I’ve Learned By Sending My Son on a Mission Trip

1. I have the most amazing son in the world.
Last night I watched some old videos we made together, and it brought me to tears at just how talented and brilliant a kid he is. I’m beginning to see how blind I’ve been – only seeing his messy room, or the chores he hans’t done. My son needs his Daddy’s encouragement more than his correction.

2. I don’t spend nearly enough time with my son. As my son was getting ready for his trip to Chile, I thought, “This will be good for him – he’ll learn something from the experience.” Little did I know, I’d learn something too. As my son is away, I miss those times of just hanging out with this amazing young man.

3. Ministering to people can never be more important that ministering to my son. I know this in theory, but sometimes my son can get the left-overs of my day. I know he must feel cheated and frustrated some of the time. My son will never be able to make sense out of the way this can make him feel. We have to make our kids feel special by demonstrating to them that they really are important.

4. Priorities can make or break a family. Paying more attention to my computer screen at home sends a strong message to my family, “I’d rather spend time with this than spend time with you.” I never want to convey that to my family. Work hard at work, then play hard at home. Never get those two things twisted.

5. Being a Father is one of the most awesome blessings in life. I would never trade my son for a billion dollars. In fact, it’s because I have a son is proof that I am blessed and rich indeed. My son is the greatest blessing I have in my life. In him I see my beautiful wife, my self, and I see a young man who is so handsome, strong, gifted, and who has wisdom far beyond his years. I feel a sense of honor and privilege that God Himself would choose me to be his Father.

40 Lessons I Learned from Pastor Wendell Smith

Pastor Wendell, his teachings, and his life, made a indelible mark upon my own heart and life, which can never be erased. Being trained under him for 3 years at The City Church is one of the highlights of my life. His sensitivity to the things of God, were like no other. “The Spirit & the Word”, “Grace-Grace”, “Faith!”, “Whatever it Takes”… were his mottos, and became the battle cry for all of us to live by. I will never forget you, Pastor, nor the things you taught me. I love you. I will see you soon.

As I was taking the plane back from the Homegoing Service, here’s some of the lessons I learned from one of the greatest Pastors to ever grace this planet::


1. Live a life worthy to be emulated.

2. Make time to love your wife & kids.

3. Pastor your family, before your church.

4. A good name is more important than you think.

5. Even after a long wed nite, people remember being loved & valued, (even if you don’t think they do).

6. Never stop dreaming, writing, or strategizing.

7. Even in hardship, have a good attitude.

8. Never loose your graciousness.

9. Be transparent with people.

10. Be yourself, but be your’ anointed-self.

11. Don’t be a people-pleaser. Be strong in the grace that’s in Christ Jesus.

12. Smile while you preach.”

13. There’s only two speeds at which to operate: Wait; and Go-Fast.

14. Pray, receive a word from God, get counsel, take weeks & months if you have to, before you make important decisions that guide your church/ministry. (This way you’ll be right 99% of the time).

15. Believe in every promise in the Bible, even if you don’t see it’s fulfillment right away.

16. Really get into your Bible & mark it up, (the scriptures you don’t read & highlight can’t help you.)

17. Have scriptures on certain topics printed out (like: Prosperity, etc.) so that you can quote them in times of need & encourage your family with them too.

18. Make people feel special.

19. Relationships are too important, (never take them for granted.)

20. Give honor to whom honor is due.

21. Be a Giver.

22. “Do the ridiculous, and God will do the miraculous.”

23. Be secure enough to laugh or cry in the pulpit.

24. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, even in a restaurant, (you never know when God is going to move.)

25. Be a man of prayer, (your children really are watching.)

26. Practice “60-Second Pastoring” on Sunday mornings & Wed. nites, (don’t be in such a hurry that you walk past people without seeing how they’re doing. It just takes a minute).

27. Pastor your staff/leaders well; and they’ll pastor your people well.

28. “Attitude is the most important thing.”

29. Prayer is what makes things work.

30. Possess an excellent spirit.

31. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

32. Have a vision, have a verse, have a strategy.

33. Don’t be so busy, that you forget to come out of your tent and look up at the stars.

34. Be a Worshipper first, then be a Pastor.

35. Learn, (and never lose) the art & practice of Intercession.

36. Pastor Wendell loved golf & birds. Have hobbies. They’re a great release of pressure in life, and the ministry.

37. Take lots of pictures & video of your people, so you can mark the progress of your ministry, and celebrate your victories.

38. Never forget the people who helped you get where you’re at today.

39. At special events, you can eat later. Walk around, pastor & love on your people while they’re there.

40. When you take along one of your young staff members as your armor-bearer, make him feel special by acknowledging him before your preach, by saying, “This is __________ one of my anointed associates.” (Pastor Wendell always knew how to make me feel special, even when I was just a “maintenance guy”.)


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Playing it Safe?

If God promises you something big, never settle for less.

“And Moses said to the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben: “Shall your brethren go to war while you sit here?” (Numbers 32:6, NKJV)

This verse, literally jumped out at me this week. The significance of the original language, in this text, is absolutely eye-opening. The tribe of Ruben (which means, “to see” ), and Gad (which means, “a fortune” ), these two tribes saw the incredible land that they wanted to be theirs. The only problem is that it was on the wrong side of the Jordan. The whole deliverance from Egypt was for the purpose of getting them across the Jordan River, and into their very own “Promised Land”. But these two tribes were content to stay right where they were at. What did they see? Num. 32:1 says they saw the land of Jazer (which means, “help & protection” ), and Gilead, (which means: “to be exposed” and “arguments” ). Here’s the thing: Sometimes what looks good on the surface, ends up leaving you exposed, and causes a lot of arguments, shouting matches, and family feuds. When we begin playing it safe, it ends up biting us in the end! Matthew Henry says it like this: “They consulted their own private convenience more than the public good.”

Stop sitting around twiddling your thumbs

To sum it up, let me share this: If God promises you something big, never settle for less. If He’s spoken to you about being a Pastor, don’t lower yourself by taking a management position just because the job looks good, and you know that you’ll be able to afford a house & car payment. If He’s spoken to you to start a business, why are you settling in the land that looks safe, and that you’re protected? You know you’re not happy. You’re arguing with your spouse, your spiritual-walk is constantly being attacked. Why? Because you’re not strapping on your boots and dealing with the issues at hand. Get in there and possess your land! Stop sitting around twiddling your thumbs, while others are excited to be in the promised land. Go get yours!

Beach Bum or Battle Ready?

This passage paints a vivid picture in my mind of a soldier who is doing his own thing. While others have their uniforms starched and pressed, ready for the day, I see another soldier who is wearing his bermuda shorts and aloha shirt – totally not ready for service, battle, or even the daily line-up before the commander.

“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning.” [Acts 24:5 NIV]

Could it be he has a lamp that’s been neglected and snuffed-out from sin, and thus his sloppiness doesn’t really seem to matter? Jesus isn’t offering a mere suggestion in verse 35, it’s a command! I can just see the commander’s veins popping out from his neck as he shouts to his troops… “BE dressed! Keep your lamps BURNING!”

I wonder what most of us look like in the spiritual-realm? Are we beach bums or battle ready soldiers? The New King James version says, “Let your waist be girded…”. Could it be that we’re so self-absorbed, self-conscious, self-centered, all because we’re walking around with our spiritual pants around our ankles? Our lives must be girded with truth like a soldier’s belt. Can you imagine worshipping Jesus – Sunday morning at your Church – and having your pants down around your ankles? We wouldn’t be worshipping, we’d be worrying! It time to get clothed in Christ [Gal. 3:27] first thing in the morning. It’s time to get into the Word of God [Ps. 119:105], and allow it to get our hearts burning once again for the things of God! Don’t settle for a mediocre life when God has so much more! Christ is coming, and we must be battle ready.

Command Your Conduct!

Bob Dylan sang, “The times, they are ‘a changing” . Road rage, profanity on TV, people shouting at their co-workers, marriages imploding only after 6 months… we sure are living in different day. Whatever happened to knowing how to control your emotions?

“Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; And to him who orders his conduct aright I will show the salvation of God.” [Psalm 50:23 NKJV]

At times our conduct can be like an unchained dog – no one knows how we’re going to react (or attack), and sometimes we even bite! Proverbs 16:32 says, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city”. [NKJV]. Our conduct is a reflection of our spirit man. For many people, their lives are spinning out of control – there’s no order. In fact it’s down right chaotic. We need to learn to “rule” our spirit, and “order” our conduct. No, you’re NOT going to lash-out in this situation!” Order that conduct of yours! Don’t let it off the leash.

Conduct, emotions, words, feelings, mannerisms, responses, e-mails, and conversations MUST be held at bay, and ought not to be left to a “whatever” mentality. We simply can’t afford to let our flesh run wild.

How can I control it? How can I command my conduct? “Praise glorifies Me.” Notice it didn’t say, “Silent grumpiness glorifies Me.” Isaiah 61:3 says that God will give you a “spirit of praise” in exchange for your “spirit of heaviness”. That’s not a bad deal, if you ask me. Do I really want to “see the salvation of God” – in me, on the job, in the car, in my family? Then I MUST command my conduct. Let’s get it in order and start to set some boundaries. Let’s get rid of the “spirit of heaviness”, and start praising God on a daily basis. Your days will take on a whole new excitement if you do.

The Sick Jesus [poem]

The Sick Jesus

My Jesus, why are you sick?
“You’re doing well,
But have doused thy wick.”

But Lord, why is your stomach so upset?
I mean Lord, there’s nothing I regret

Sick, Lord? Maybe it’s something you ate
The cookies at our Church are really great!

The praises, the prayers
What could be wrong?
“My son, the song in your heart
has not yet been sung…

Some think I’m demanding
Waiting with a stick
But shallowness to My love
Is what makes me sick”

Sing your song
And run in the race
Declare it the world
Right to its face!

[ by: Robb Gorringe ]

Kingdom Strategies for Carnival Kids

joker-energyCotton candy and corny clowns are not what will draw this generation into the arms of the nail-pierced Saviour.

This morning this title phrase came to my mind – almost out of nowhere… Kingdom Strategies for Carnival Kids. As Youth Pastors, how in the world do you get to the heart of these kids that are so wrapped-up in video games and the like? For many Youth Pastors, we think that if we put a bunch of video games in the youth center, and then make our youth services “fun, fun, fun!” that we’ll reach the masses. Could it be that we’re perpetuating the problem? I’m not against video games as a pre-service draw, but are we failing to receive the kingdom strategy for these “carnival kids”? How are we so sure that we’re right?

Prov. 16:1, “The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.”

When I got saved as a teen-ager I saw our Church’s youth center with all it’s video games and “fun” and thought, “these kids should be getting into the Word!” Now, they actually were getting into the Word, and had Worship, etc., but my initial thought was, “Huh?” Being newly born again, what I saw, wasn’t attractive to my New Man.

I believe for every city and demographic there is a unique Kingdom Strategy that the Holy Spirit wants to give to every Youth Pastor. We just need to get on our knees, open our ears, write down with our hands, and then proclaim with our mouths what He has spoken to us. Our kids will be changed!