Ending the Rat Race Mentality

You wouldn’t think that islanders would have a problem with being still. Most people think of us, living in Hawaii, as just hanging loose, going to the beach, sipping drinks with those little umbrellas, and working on our tans all day; but nothing could be farther from the truth. One of the things that the Lord has been speaking to me lately is that of not being anxious, being stress-free, being still and learning to wait on on the Lord. The more cognizant I am of this “Rat Race Mentality” – I see it everywhere I go. It’s not just in Chicago, New York, or L.A. – it’s everywhere. And in most people’s head! Hurry to work, hurry to finish, hurry to go home – hurry, hurry, hurry!! O to hear the Word of the Lord:

“Be still, ye inhabitants of the isle…” Isaiah 23:2

Be still”= literally means: grow dumb and motionless. You might say, “Wow, that sounds attractive, where do I sign-up?” But, “dumb” is simply an old english term for: not talking. This phrase, “Be still” is progressive, i.e. You develop in it and seek to advance in it day-by-day.

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

The world may think it’s a dumb to pray, but it’s God’s secret to giving His people strength, peace, and power.

How often have you said to yourself, “Yeah, I know I need to slow down and take a break, but it’s pretty hard right now because of my job, family, and…” And the list goes on and on. I was reminded a couple days ago, while I was riding my Harley-Davidson, and having a wonderful prayer time by-the-way, as I heard the Holy Spirit say to me…

“I could put you on your back anytime I want. Guard your time and look up, so that I don’t have to make you.”

As I was up in Olinda I was reminded of the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd. When a sheep would continually go wayward, in extreme circumstances, the shepherd would take his rod and break it’s leg. It sounds cruel and impractical, but the newfound relationship that would form between the sheep and the shepherd, from being together all the time, would change the way the lamb sees his shepherd. Sometimes… “He makes me lie down in green pastures.”

If you would really like to end this Rat Race routine – The next time you’re getting ready for work, leave a half hour early, and intentionally drive the speed limit in the slow lane. Notice how the people are in such a hurry, passing cars, stressed. Who are these people? Those people are you! You’ve just ended the rat race. It’s not final, it’s something you’re growing into, and need to advance in. It’s something you need to practice each day.

How about this one: Next time you go into the grocery store, take five minutes before you do your shopping and notice how stressed people are. Take a deep breath and walk slow, and see if the Holy Spirit doesn’t speak to you, and pour-out a blessing of peace on you that you haven’t experienced in a long time. These are just a couple of practical ways that you can end the Rat Race Mentality.

“Lord, I pray you would forgive me for being so busy. I take time today to be still, and to wait on you. May You give me wisdom to know how to end the Rat Race Mentality in my life. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!”

The Most Anointed Word You Need to Know

You might be thinking, “Hallelujah”, or “Glory”. Those are great words, indeed, but the most anointed word is a practical word that needs to get down into the very fiber of your being – where it can radically alter the way you think and do things. This will be a bit of a faith-exersize as I share with you 3 ways to really see your life arise to a higher level. So get ready to be changed!

Psalm 27:6 And NOW shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord. [kjv]

When all Hell seems like it’s about to break loose on your life, you’ve got to know the secret that David used when he too had his back up against the wall.

1. The Lord IS My Light. When David was faced with opposition, he refused to somehow think he was in the dark, or didn’t know what to do – no. David lived in the brightness, in the powerful glow of the presence of God in his present moment – “The Lord IS (not “was” or “will be”) my light!” Say this out loud: “Right NOW I’m not in the dark!”

2. I Simplify My Life. David wasn’t the schizophrenic leader like King Saul was. He wasn’t “loving God” at one moment and then getting angry with his family, staff or volunteers at another – no. David had just “one thing” on his agenda every morning – Seeking God. Say this out loud: “Right NOW I’m simplifying my life.”

3. I’m Not Waiting for Victory. In verse 6, David used a good, old-fashioned, faith-filled word: “NOW!” (See also: Heb. 11:1). Even before the battle took place, David took control of his spirit, mind, and emotions; and in effect said…

“I know my enemies are trying to move in on me, trying to make me fearful, overwhelmed with anxiety, and trying to cause me to cower in discouragement; but right NOW my head is going to be held high. In fact RIGHT NOW I look down on my enemies. I’m so charged-up with faith right NOW that I’m going to sing a song and whistle a tune in the presence of mine enemies, because I know on Whom I have believed!”

Say this out loud: “Right NOW I’m taking charge of my life.”

Don’t allow procrastination to rob you of your blessing! Make a concrete decision today that things are going to be different!

“Lord, please forgive me for always wishing and hoping that things will get better. I want to begin to use my faith, and adopt this faith-filled word: “NOW”, and I choose to do it NOW! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!”

Don’t Go Without!

What does a rabbit’s foot and guardian angels have to do with this article? Keep reading and find out…

“And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. For a long time Israel has been without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law. ” (2 Chronicles 15:2–3, NKJV)

There’s so much in just these two verses.

“The Lord is with you while you are with Him.” We often pray the prayer, “Lord, just be with us….” It’s a nice prayer to pray, but God tells us how to have the Lord with you: Be with Him. Instead of asking the Lord to tag along with you, like some sort of guardian angel, or lucky rabbit’s foot, we need to be much with Him.

This next part leapt off the pages to me: “For a long time Maui has been without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law.”

1. WITHOUT RELATIONSHIP Think of that, “without the true God”. It’s like living your whole life thinking and doing one thing, but the true reality is simply a figment of your imagination. In the context, Israel was getting involved in idol worship. They thought Ashram (v. 16) represented a powerful god, but it was merely statue. It would be like if my son talked to my guitar saying, “Daddy, I ask you to help me now.” I would have to grab him and say, “Hey, over here! I’m not that piece of wood!” I think of so many here in the Hawaii – living without God. Everyday, driving to work, not knowing the sweet presence of the Lord. ‘O how it must change!

2. WITHOUT REVELATION “without a teaching priest”. I like how Ezekiel puts it… “And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” (Ezekiel 44:23, NKJV) ‘O to receive and walk-in revelation knowledge!

3. WITHOUT RULES “without the law”. Now, I would be the first one to tell you, that Christianity isn’t a bunch of rules and regulations, but I’ve found that we can be so “free” that no longer have standards of righteousness. I see believers posting pictures on the internet of them drinking alcohol, smoking, and swearing . How can we really know the way if we’ve lost our compass, our sense of direction, and personal holiness? How can we show others the way if we, ourselves don’t know where we’re going ourselves? We’re going “without”.

…Without the presence of God
…Without the Bible
…Without daily devotions
…Without convictions and standards
…Without a prayer-life
… Without power
…Without direction

The Lord never meant for any one of us to go without. He fills the hunger soul with good things. Are you hungry enough to go to Him today? Don’t be one of those who goes without. Allow the Lord to do a work in your life today.

“Lord, I don’t want to “go without”. I need a stronger relationship with You today. Help me to draw near to You today, I pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”